Wednesday, July 25, 2012

11 Tools - Tool 6

I started using as my tool to create a flipped classroom. Edmodo is very similar to Facebook in it's look and use. I think this helped with students willingness to participate, especially since Edmodo has a mobile phone app that allowed the students to participate more easily. Within Edmodo, I created groups for each of my classes. For students who didn't have a computer, they could use class computers during lunch or library computers after school.

There are a few ways that I used Edmodo in the classroom:
  • I would post videos into the class group and the students would have to view and answer questions. The student's answers were private and came directly to me. The most interesting result of this was getting elaborate answers from students that were very quiet in class. I was also able to guide the students if I saw that they were going in the wrong direction or had any misunderstandings of the concepts. I also found that students who were shy or embarrassed to ask a question in class were comfortable to ask in Edmodo.
  • As one of three stations during math rotations. Edmodo has a new Quiz feature that allows you to post a quiz using multiple choice, true/false or short answers. This gave me immediate feedback on student mastery of the concept.
  • For this upcoming year, I will be posing a high level question and having students respond and collaborate with each other.

For this upcoming year, I want to try
  • Today's Meet - to allow students to ask questions during lecture without interrupting the class. I hope this will help shy students pose their questions in class.
  • Poll Everywhere - to get students to participate in surveys. It's like using ActiveExpressions or ActiveVotes, but students use their own mobile devices.

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